Don't miss any of your important appointments: you can start using Music AlarmClock, which will help you to organize all your meetings and duties. Music AlarmClock is a perfect reminder for all business men and people who use computers to perform many different tasks. This alarm clock will remind you about each task you should do, in its right time according to your schedule. Music AlarmClock has many different options that will let you enjoy using it. One of the program’s main features is that you can customize your ringing tone: you can add your preferable playlist tunes or songs. Other options of Music AlarmClock are repeating, shuffling the playlist and changing the page skin to match your desired colors. You can customize Music AlarmClock to become transparent by adjusting its window's transparency from the” window color" option. With Music AlarmClock you can fill the entire alarm list with the desired alarm frequencies; it's the simplest way to remember about all your important tasks.